Saturday, October 24, 2009

We still have 25 days to go...
Don't look down on it...
Because we still have 25 X 60 =1500 hours
Work hard togehter!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Update so that Mel wont see
"bowl-liked structure"....this 3 words...hahax

Saturday, June 20, 2009

A bowl-liked folded paper
"I lost my money,I need money for going back to my country" is written on it
I saw it today
Just right beside the 7-eleven near kasturi
Is written by a foreigner
A white man
Although I not sure whether it is real or just a story he made up to cheat people
But I gave him RM2
He looked fear..n shame of his own action for sitting along the lane

Lets said it is true
What happened to our beloved country now?
He came to visit Malaysia happily
But at last got snetch by Malaysian
Its a tragedy to him
Who will dare to visit Malaysia
If this news spread all around the world

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Sunday, May 31, 2009


Friday, May 22, 2009

(Part 2)

Sorry to all of my friends yea
No time to blog recently
Diagnostic exam will end soon

Two more papers to go on

  • Physics
  • Acount
Two subjects that I don't even care
  • Pendidikan Jasmani
  • Sivik

Here's about our school carnival on the 11th of February
But soory to say that,there will be less description
There will be only photos
Too lazy^^

Worrying:We can't find Peak Hui


GHOST 1:Haunted House

GHOST2:Haunted House

MORAL PROJEK:Busy acting disturbing

CORNS:We were so busy

BUSY:Too many customer
Messy stall

So crowded

Curry fishball


Scare scare!!

MR.JOHN:Don't dump me!!!






Nice shot

So wet and dirty!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Carnival of SMKTC

(Part 1)
Our class selling corns and conducting a game of "GOLDFISH RUSH"
Early in the morning
A PPS came to our stall and promoted his POP-corns
As a promoter,he is hanging a POP-corns advertisement
Isn't he is cute?
That's why I asked for his permission to take his picture
Chun Yau aka smart boy
Show off his goldfish when we were busy steaming the corns
Thought that I can "bong can" our class game-"GOLDFISH RUSH" tim time for me to play la
Here is Chun Yau again
Showed us his caterpillar balloon
Geramnya...I want that too larh

After our corns starts to sell like hot cakes
Found out that our utensils are not enough
XiaoHwa claims that her house has lots of new ones
So we walked to her house and get it since her house is near
Although the journey can be consider as near
But we are also sweating
XH came out with a handkerchief...hahax
And her house geh "blacky"
Keep on barking at me
Maybe I too yong shui...swt=.=

On the way back to school
Guess what we saw?
We saw a dead rat leh
Wondering why every time the dead crop of rats also flat flat de
Like all the organs has been eaten
Scary!!!And kesian too!!!!!!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Birthday to Chin
Chin that eating Nasi Lemak with Malay's style
Feel malu and hiding away from my camera
If she saw this
I think I will kena marah
P/S:Its your birthday day,that's why must keep happy
Therefore hor,pls dun scild me arh
Curi-curi tangkap EU makan lagi
P/S:Cool down
And this
Suddenly found it out in my file
Forgot where I steal it from also
Cause I got a habit
When free and I saw my classmates's photo
I will save it...hehe

Yor yor yor
This piccha so cute hor?
And last but not least
Did you recieve my kiss that I asked Aun Yee to sent to you?
If NO?Its okay.
I give you here.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Copy it from XH's blog...
My colour is white,how about you?hehe

Find out your D.O.B and you will know what colour are you.

December 23rd - January 1st 紅色 Red
January 2nd - January 11th 橙色 Orange
January 12th - January 24th 黃色 Yellow
January 25th - February 3 粉紅色 Pink
February 4th - February 8th 藍色 blue
February 9th - February 18th 綠色 Green
February 19th - February 28th 啡色 Brown
March1st - Match 10th 水藍色 Teal
March 11 - March 20th 石灰色 Lime
March 21 st 黑色 Black
March 22 nd - March 31st 紫色 Purple
April 1st - April 10th 深藍色 Navy
April 11th - April 20th 銀色 Silver
April 21st - April 30th 白色 White
May 2nd - May 14th 藍色 Blue
May 15th - May 24th 金色 Gold
May 25th - June 3rd 奶油色 Cream
June 4th - June13th 灰色 Grey
June 14 - June 23rd 粟色 Maroon
June 24th 灰色 Grey
June 25 - July 4th 紅色 Red
July 5th - July 14th 橙色 Orange
July 15th - July 25 th 黃色 Yellow
July 26th - August 4 th 粉紅色 Pink
August 5th - August 13th 藍色 Blue
August 14th - August 23rd 綠色 Green
August 24 - September 2nd 啡色 Brown
September 3rd - September12th 水藍色 Aqua
September 13th - September 22nd 石灰色 Lime
September 23rd 黃褐色 Olive
September 24th - October 3rd 紫色 Purple
October 4th - October 13th 深藍色 Navy
October 14th - October 23rd 銀色 Silver
October 24 - November 11th 白色 White
November 12th - November 21st 金色 Gold
November 22nd - December1st 奶油色 Cream
December 2nd - December11th 灰色 Gray
December 12th - December 21st 粟色 Maroon
December 22nd 藍綠色 Teal

紅色 你的可愛十分惹人喜愛!對愛情你很揀擇但又常常在戀愛,也喜歡被愛的感覺。你有著清新的氣質和開朗的個性,但有些時侯也會變得〝多愁善感〞。和別人相處的時侯你表現得很友善和溫柔,所以很多人願意和你親近。你喜歡跟友善和隨和的人做朋友。
RED Cute and lovable type, you are picky but always in love ...and liked to be loved. Fresh and cheerful, but can be 'moody' at times. Capable with people, nice, soft, and that can love you for the way you are. Likes people that are easy to talk to, and can make you feel comfortable.

奶油色 你愛和別人競爭,失敗的感覺你最受不了。極愛運動和戶外活動,你的性格開朗也值得別人信賴。對愛情你會表現得很小心,不會輕易愛上一個人。但一旦找到你生命中的伴侶時,你絕不會讓他跑掉。
CREAM Competitive and sportive. Don't like losing and always cheerful! You are trustworthy, and very out-going. You choose love carefully, and don't fall in love easily. But once you find the right one, you don't let go for a long long time.

藍綠色 你最注重自己的外表。對選擇愛侶的要求甚高。你每每擁有清晰的頭腦去思考和解決難題,又不易犯錯。你喜歡在人群中被重視,也因此令你容易認識到新朋友。
TEAL You are mostly interested in your looks. And have high standards in picking love. You think and make a solution precisely, and hardly make stupid mistakes. You like to lead, and is easy for you to make new friends.

灰色 你很好動,也很有吸引力。你永不會把想說的話藏在心,總會抒發自己的感情。但有時會變得較自私。你渴望得到別人的注意,討厭不公平的對待。你很風趣,也懂得在適當時侯說適當的話,常常也令到身邊的人快樂。
GREY You are attractive, and active. You never hide your feelings, and express everything that's inside. But can be selfish at times. You want to be noticed, and don't like to be treated unequally. You can brighten up people's day. You know what to say at the right time, and you have a good sense of humor.

綠色 你總能和新相識的朋友相處得很好。你不算是一個害羞的人,但有時侯你的說話每每傷害了別人。你渴望得到愛侶的注意,也較喜歡〝被愛〞的感覺,大多數的時間你總是在等待你生命中的另一半出現。
GREEN You get along well with new people. You are not really a shy person, but sometimes you can hurt people's feelings by your words... You like to be loved and noticed by your lover, but mostly you are single, waiting for the right person.

金色 你很清楚什麼應該做、什麼不應該做。性格開朗又好交際。對於你,尋找一個你愛的人不是一件容易的事,但當你找到你愛的人以後,你絕不輕易變心。
GOLD You know what's right and what's wrong. You are cheerful and out going. It's hard for you to find the one you want, but once you find the right person, you won't be able to fall in love again for a long time.

粉紅色 對任何事你總是全力己赴的,還有你很愛照顧其他人。但你不是一個容易滿足的人,常有消極的想法。你常祈望你的愛情像童話故事一樣美麗和完美。
PINK You are always trying your best in everything, and like to help and care for other people. But you are not easily satisfied. You have negative thoughts, and you look for romantic love like in a fairytale.

黃色 你是一個又天真又〝甜〞的人。常獲得別人的信任,亦有很強的領導能力。當要做決定或選擇的時侯,你總是做對了決定。還有,你常常朣憬著一段浪漫的戀情。
YELLOW You are sweet and innocent. Trusted by many people, and have a strong leadership towards relationships. You make good decision and make the right choice at the right time. And always dreaming of romantic relationship.

栗色 你有一個聰明的腦袋。也是一個自我的人,常依自己的喜好來做事,有時會因為不大理別人的感受而惹上麻煩。對於愛情你很有耐性,當你找到你要找的那一位後,你不會再愛上別人。 MAROON You are intelligent, and know what's right. You like to take things go your way, which can sometimes cause trouble or not thinking about other people's feelings. But you are patient when it comes to love... Once you get a hold of the right person, it's hard for you to find a better love.

紫色 你是一個神祕的人,從不自私,也很難對任何人和事發生興趣。你的狀態永遠是說不定的,是一個情緒化的人。很受周遭的人歡迎,但有是你會做出愚笨的舉動,記性也不太好。你最喜歡與一些有著真性情的人做朋友。
PURPLE You are mysterious, never selfish and get interested in things easily. Your day can be sad or happy depending on your mood. You are popular between friends but you can act stupid at times, and forget things easily. You go for person that's trustworthy.

石灰色 你是一個冷靜的人,但常給自己壓力。你常常在小事上挑剔,又容易妒忌。你不大會定下來,但你可愛的性格能獲得朋友的信任也樂於跟你接近。
LIME You are calm, but easily stressed out. You get jealous easily, and complain over little things. You can't get stuck into one thing, but you have a capable personality for everyone to trust you and like you.

銀色 你是一個有豐富想像力和害羞的人,但你樂於接受新事物和新嘗試。你喜歡挑戰自己。學習新的事物時很快會上手,遇強越強。但你的愛情生活通常也比較多挫折和困惑。
SILVER You are imaginative and shy, but you like trying new things. You like to challenge yourself. You learn things easily, and like 'Hard to get'. Your love life is normally hard and confusing.

白色 你的人生充滿著夢和理想。 你對周遭的事有點漠不關心,容易妒忌。 你是較為獨特的一群,有時侯,你心中想法總會比別人高深一點。
WHITE You dream and have goals in your life. You get jealous easily and you don't react to things easily. You are different and sometimes thought highly by others.

黃褐色 你是一個心腸軟和帶給別人溫暖的人。你與家人和朋友的關係良好。十分討厭暴力,清楚什麼應該做什麼不應該做。你也十分善良和樂觀,又很知足,並不會輕易妒忌別人擁有什麼。 OLIVE You are warm and light hearted. You seem to flow well with friends and family. You don't like violence and know what's right. You are kind and cheerful, but don't envy other people easily.

啡色 你很愛運動,整個人都充滿活力。但別人很難去接近你,話雖如此,你很容易投入一段感情。但當你發現你在那段感情中得不到你想要的東西時,你會立即放棄,也會復完得很快。 BROWN You are active and sportive. It's hard for other people to become close with you, but you fall in love easily. But once you find out you can't get something, you give up and let go easily as well.

藍色 你對自己沒有信心,也很挑剔。你很有藝術天分,也很容易去愛上一個人,但當愛情來的時侯,你只是用你的〝感覺〞去愛,而並非用你的心去愛。
BLUE You have low self-esteem, and very picky. You are artistic and like to fall in love, but you let your love pass by, by loving with your mind, not your heart.

深藍色 你是一個很吸引人的發光體,也很愛惜自己的生命。你對身邊所有事物都帶著強烈的感覺。你是一個容易'意亂情迷'的人。如果有人把你激怒了,你很難會原諒他。
NAVY You are attractive, and love your life. You have a strong feeling towards everything. And very easily distracted. Once you get angry at someone, it's hard for you to forgive them.

水藍色 你的感覺來去如風。你的生活也帶點孤單,很愛旅遊。你對待別人很真誠,但太容易受別人的影響。對你來說,尋找愛情是一件很難的事,也容易在愛中迷失,令你很容易便被愛情所傷。
AQUA Your feelings change suddenly and easily. You are always lonely, and like travelling. You are truthful, but listen and believe other people too easily. It's hard to find love for you, and you get lost in love easily. Sometimes you get hurt by love.

黑色 你樂於接受挑戰,因為你擁有接受挑戰的勇氣。但你並不喜歡改變你自己的生活方式。一旦你落實了一個決定,你會長久地朝著這個方向走。你的愛情也是充滿挑戰和有點與別不同。 BLACK You are challenging, and have the 'guts'. But you don't like changes in your life. And once you make a decision, you keep it that way for a long time. Your love life is also challenging, and different.

橙色 你總會對自己做過的事付責任,亦很懂得怎樣待人接物。你常常給自己定下很多目標和競爭對象。你很難去相信別人,包括你的朋友,但當你認為他是可信的話,你將會把他當成永遠的知己。
ORANGE You are responsible for your own actions, and you know how to treat people. You always have goals to reach, and are competitive. When it comes to friendship, you find it hard to trust someone, but once you find the right friend, you trust them for ever.

Now you see...what colour are you?
Fed up with 5S1's classmates attitude!
Sometimes really feel that all of you are good
But sometimes,
I really no comment
What I can do is
Just do what I should and suppose to do

Monday, March 16, 2009

First post in March of 2009

Sorry yea
Din update for such a long time
MY point out my reason for not blogging
Malunya~addicted to PetSociety....hehe

Now having Akaun Test given out by my tuition teacher
So,I go to go lerh
I am not good in using computer do test leh
And must finish it in 1 hour time
Wish me good luck ba....

*I think is the first time I blog During the day*

P/S : Happy Belated Birthday to AunYee

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Apologies to all 5S1 students

To all 5S1 09' beloved students :
Faces that were damaged!!!Sorry~

Sorry for the second time~
Sorry for the third time~

The winner of the photo damaged!!
Kung Khai Shien
Most serious was urs~
Really very very super sorry~
Second prize go on to~
Chow Poh Yi
Sorry sorry sorry to you too~
I know its my fault to make all of you to wash the photos to me again
Coz din take out the photos
That's why the photo was washed together with my bag
Anyway~really very sory larh
I tak sengaja geh
Aun Yee and Kim really make me so touch
Me : Really very sorry yea
Aun Yee: Nvm.No worries.I understandit.Don't be guilty.It's small matter.
And Kim tell me : If you scared to announce then I can help you.
(Simple word but make me touch)
One thing that very funny happened in our conversation
Me : Can you gimme ur A4 size photos again?
Kim : Passport size izzit?WHy want so big of my photo?
Me : Opps...yaya...passport size.
(I really too nervous and dunno what to do...haiz)
The most bad people is Koey Teow
Scold me "WTF"
Sorry lorh~
Dun angry,K?

From : xX SoON YiN Xx
~Blur person~

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Class Rul3s Of 5S1 O9'

Lets see how ridiculous our class rules are
p/s(1): Words with light green are my comment
p/s(2):The ticks and cross are mark by our class teacher (some of that teacher din mark)

  1. Cheerful all the days "Be Happy" ^^ [X]
  2. Pay attention in class and keep the teachers happy! [V]
  3. Stay carefree always.Peace. [X]
  4. Break the rules(compulsory to all 5S1 students) (apalah lu?we are good students kay?) [X]
  5. The rule is -->Make no rules.Have fun! [X]
  6. ----(why no one choose this column to write?)
  7. Come late everyday,go back early everyday!! (hehe x>) [X]
  8. Our classroom must be always fun-filled. [X]
  9. ♥ and respect all teachers. [V]
  10. Always happy go lucky. [X]
  11. To the one above.Don't steal my motto.Jom,jom,jom,jom,kita HEBOH,HEBOH!5S1 sure HEBOH! (ask you to write class rules,not for scold people and HEBOH our class larh...haiz) [X]
  12. Everyone must be responsible on the classroom cleanliness. [V]
  13. Everyone must be confident and trust your own ability. [X]
  14. Everyone work together to make the classboard and condition cheerful. [V]
  15. I did this for T3H LULZ!!!! t(..)t (The man with the Balls of Steel)(I dunno what you are writing...swt=.=") [X]
  16. 挑战自己,创造未来!超帅!(who ask you write in chinese huh?)
  17. Challenge yourself,create future!Extremely handsome! ^^V (this is from the same person as above larh!and this is not a rule!handsome also can be a rule?)
  18. Everyone happy everyday.
  19. Do as much homework as you can,again,as much as is NOT ALL! (i also know you all won't so guai zai and guai lui de larh) [X]
  20. Always stay together,heart to heart.
  21. Be punctual for PJ! (see also know is who write de larh-->melvin lim) [X]
  22. Always be there for everyone,share the same class,share the same destiny in futre. (so touch larh...who wrote this?) [X]
  23. Muacksss...luv everyone ya?^^ (why put question mark de?) [X]
  24. ----(blank again)
  25. Thank you everybody...I love you all!!! (wrote by jian zhang...i think so)But please don't sing behind me. (written by chin egg according to tam and melvin)---(one column one person write larh...aiyoyo...still got blank ma) [X]
  26. Study for paktorlogy. (say about paktor,sure chun yau wrote de larh...OMG!This can't be the rule larh) [X]
  27. ----
  28. Everyone must laugh everyday...wakaka!!!ghost face (i dunno how to draw it here=.=!!) [X]
  29. I ♥ 5S1 O9' Forever!!! (all of us so cute,sure larh...hehe,tak tau malu tim) [X]
  30. No homework a day,make students happy. (it should be EVERYDAY ma) [X]
  31. ----
  32. ----
  33. Throw your hands in the AYER~! (what AYER means?) [X]
  34. ----
  35. ----
  36. Friendship Forever!Yeah! [X]
  37. Leave our souls and hearts in 5SC1 forever!<3 color="#ff0000">[X]
  38. Believe。。。dreams come true...straight A1 in SPM^^Good Luck! (yeah!this is our motto!not rule...5S1 09' BOLEH!) [X]

After seeing this?Artery burst already?hahax...That is 5S1,full with joy!

Full of [X] Less of [V]malunya

Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Birhtday to Zhao Wei
Sweet 17th Birthday
Always be the eldest among us
xxSoON YiNxx

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Happy Chinese New Year to all of you

p/s : Lazy to post up recently larh(SORRY)